With school bells ringing, it is time to reinvigorate your prayer life. All of the children across the nation are either back in school or about to begin their new school year. Some of these kids are homeschooled, some are in private school, and others are in public school. They all have one thing in common, however, and that is they need your prayers!
Begin by praying for each of your own children everyday. This can be in the morning as you drink your cup of coffee, at night while they are off to bed, or any other time that you have some undivided time to bring their needs before our Father. Pray for their relationship with God, for good friends, for their teachers, and for any other specific needs you know they have. God cares about each of your children so much He sent Jesus to die for them - so bring all their needs to Him.
Next, pray for your children's friends. Pray for each child by name if you can and the others God will know who you are praying about. Pray for their salvation, home lives, influence, and overall well being. Pray that your children can be a good example of Jesus to them and invite them to come learn about God through the Church's ministiries or just in your home.
It's also good to pray as a family! Make this a habit and set aside specific time to pray as a collective group. A simple way to pray as a family is to make a prayer journal or prayer jar. Write down the specific needs in this school year as they present themselves. Be sure to revisit these requests as they are answered or "not yet" answered. It will bless your family to see how God answers and to see your family's faith grow as a result of this practice.
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17